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Learning Development and Delivery Framework. We strongly believe that each learning experience should be unique and tailored to the specific learning needs of an organization. We work with our clients as partners in developing the learning experiences that help them train their workforce and utilize resources effectively.
Terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2014. FIM DAS POSTAGENS NO BLOG. A partir de agora, não estaremos mais atualizando nosso Blog. Quem quiser continuar tendo acesso as notícias de Leo, agenda, fotos, etc, adicione o Facebook e o Twiter do FCSL. CLIQUE PARA ACESSAR O TWITER DO FCSL. CLIQUE PARA ACESSAR O FACEBOOK DO FCSL. No Site, Facebook e Instagram oficial de Leo, vocês terão acesso a agenda, fotos notícias, etc.